Monday, November 18, 2013

MY nightime routine !

Hey peeps! I hope your having an awesome morning, afternoon or night time wherever you are. Today I wanted to talk about what products I use for my face before I go to bed let's get STARTED! 

So as you know I wear makeup duh have you seen my instagram lately lol I usually post up what I wear for my makeup. But have you girls out there or guys ever have that feeling when you get home and your so exhausted and you just want to crawl into bed and dream about hunky Ryan Gosling and fall asleep well we can't because we have to remove our makeup or whatever is on our face. I mean we don't want to wake up with monkey eyes the next morning do you or don't you. Here are some products that I've been loving and kind of liking.


 The first thing I use for my face are the Equate 40 count makeup remover wipes. To tell you something I've used different makeup remover wipes in my life I don't know by heart how many I have use but I used tons now I do like these they wipe off everything on my face I mean EVERYTHING which is awesome and they have a good amount of wipes. The one thing I don't like about these is they kind of burn my eyes ouch but I get use to it.

The second thing  I use which  I have a love hate relationship with is the neutrogeana ulta gentle cleanser. OK the thing that ticks me off about this product is that it doesn't foam off of my face which I want it too I don't know how to explain this but this cleanser works ok for me but sometimes it feels like I feel nothing on my skin is that normal or not. I mean yeah it does last me a long time and yeah it does wash off my makeup but I'm not planning to repurchase this product. SORRY!

 I've been loving this equate toner so much. I've repurchased the clean and clear one which I love oh so much I re bought that one probs five times and it did last for a long time. But I wanted to try something different so I bought it and it does the same thing as the clean and clear and it's a little cheaper nothing special about this it's just a toner but I feel like the product being less stronger then the other one but anywoo I love it.

Now I use this in the morning I love this stuff it's  the best ! Now I couldn't find the picture for the olay night cream but I love that stuff it has a scent to it which I can't really describe it smells like a candle but it does wonders for my skin love it.

Now I love using the EOS balms for my night time they leave my lips so soft and they next morning the product is still on my lips MAGIC!

what is your night time fun face care let me know and thanks for reading :)

Friday, November 15, 2013

Get ready with me in the morning time :)

SO I love watching getting ready with me videos and getting unready with me videos on youtube who doesn't! So today or whenever you are reading this fun post I will be talking about my morning what I do you know when I wake up let's get started!

First thing I do when I wake up is yeah I check my phone you know the drill instagram, twitter, facebook, maybe watch a couple of youtube videos! Then I force myself to get out of my bed. 

Second thing I do is I look in my mirror and see myself and sometimes I smile and sometimes I go YUCK! But that's ok because everyday I read a sweet card my mom and dad gave to me for my last year's b-day and it always brightens up my day.

Three go to the bathroom lol that we all know is your business no TMI here ladies or men who are reading this LOL!

Then I make my breakfast everyday is so different for me usually I eat a bagel with tons of cream cheese I'm trying to cut down on the cream cheese so some times I put peanut butter on it which is healthier or is it.... or I eat cereal what is your fav I have way too many or I eat a yogurt. Now a funny thing about me is I drink coffee mostly everyday but this might be a shock to you so I drink brewed coffee from maxwell house that's what we drink don't ask.... then I put in tons of sweetner is that bad?? and two pack of sugar I LIKE SWEET OK! man my diet right now is not good opps, but more on that later. 

After breakfast I watch some tv then hop into the shower and blast up some music oh yeah, if you want me to do a blog about what I use in the shower let me know :)

Then after I catch up on some shows then get ready for my day putting on some makeup... then enjoy the rest of my day :)

HOPE YOU LIKE THIS! Leave me comments and thanks or reading!

Friday, November 8, 2013

sweather weather tag!

1. Favorite candle scent?

To me when it comes to favorite candle scents this one I can't really answer because whenever I light a flavored scent candle my folks and I get sick but I guess my favorite scent would have to be something fresh and clean :)

2. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?

I love all of them to be honest but If I would have to choose one it would def be hot chocolate because you get to put in whip cream yummers!
3. What's the best fall memory you have?

My favorite fall memory that I had was when I invited my best friend over and we baked apple pie and it was so delicious and we just talked about life and had the best night ever
4. Which makeup trend do you prefer: dark lips or winged eyeliner?

I suck at putting eyeliner on so it would for sure be a dark lips which I have been wearing tons for the fall time this year
5. Best fragrance for fall?

My favorite fragrance perfume for the fall time would def have to be the playboy perfume with the red bunny on top I don't know the name but it has a spicy musky smell to it and it reminds me of the fall time
6. Favorite Thanksgiving food?

yummers would be gravy, bread, mashed poptatoes, I love love stuffing, of course turkey but we usually switch it up each year sometimes we have turkey or duck
7. What is autumn weather like where you live?

mmmm sunny and chilly and windy lol
8. Most worn sweater? N/A
9. Must-have nail polish this fall?

one of the essies one
10. Football games or jumping in leaf piles?

11. Skinny jeans or leggings?

12. Combat boots or Uggs?

13. Is pumpkin spice worth the hype?

mmmmm dunno
14. Favorite fall TV show?

toughie one I watch tons of tv but if I would have to pick a fav it would be 2 broke girls!
15. What song really gets you into the fall spirit?

too many to name!